journey 1
ES - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sed nunc nec ligula convallis dapibus sed quis eros. Nunc mi libero, pulvinar a vulputate vitae, fermentum eu lectus. Mauris suscipit enim ac lorem vulputate sollicitudin. Mauris eu ligula eu orci volutpat dapibus quis ac dolor. Nam et velit pretium felis dictum feugiat. In molestie facilisis arcu, non bibendum ligula hendrerit malesuada. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Llegando a Monte Sole
Monte Sole is a triangle of hills between the valley of the river Setta and the river Reno. The way it looks today is just a pale trace of what used to be there at the end of the Second World War, where houses and little villages were spread all around. The silence and the peacefulness of this seemingly untouched place is the result of a terrible violence, a violence that is testified by, by the ruins one can find there, a sign of what happened during the Second World War.