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Sara and Asma

Shahida, Sara and Asma

Three girls from Afghanistan were mountaineering and studying literature and music at Kabul University.

Now they are living in Cracow together. But they got there through different paths. The only similarity of the road was that it was very hard to get to the safe place and it was very hard for each of them to say goodbye to their mothers.

Sara is still feeling sad she didn't have an opportunity to kiss her mom, because it was cold, and her mother didn't go out of the house they were hiding in.

And Shahida remembers her mother told her: "You should be… you should go and be stronger if you want to get back and if we want to bring back our country and make it a place to live there in freedom and peace".

We were running only marathones

What does it mean to be a powerful woman at all? And what is it to be a woman wanting education, freedom, willing to run with the wolves, when you are living in Kabul, Afghanistan?

This girls were running, but where?

Going on marathon



I grew up in a very beautiful environment and I have good memories.

Actually, I never wanted to leave my country, to leave to another country.

I had a plan to go for some scholarships and study abroad. Actually, with my sister Asma and my friend Shahida we are students of a Mountaineering organization that heldnot only mountaineering as physical training but also a social project, psychological sessions and all those things together to help empower women and girls.

But I’ve never wanted to leave my country because I’ve never expected that something will happen to my country, so I may be forced to leave my country.



We didn’t know


On the day when the Taliban came, me and my little sister were sitting in the park next to our house on the swings. We didn’t expect this to happen.

Shahida’s mother will

Afganistan / Kabul


My father died before I was born. It wasn’t easy for my mother to keep strong and take care of us.

Our home was in Kabul, Afghanistan, and it was surrounded by all our friends and relatives and so much love.

I was studying music and I was mountaineering in a foreign organization.

I remember, when my elder brother became a teacher at the university, it was the best year of my life, the best year for my family. Just before the Taliban came.

The only good year I remember – and then there were bombs and rafale in our area. I lost too many friends.

After the Taliban came to Kabul I felt like my heart was broken and I had no future, no hope. But it will not be like this. I need to get back there and bring my country freedom and peace.

When I was leaving my mom’s house from where we said ourgoodbye, she told me: “You should be… you should go and be stronger. You should go and improve yourself and come back stronger. You should be successful, and you should have a good place to live, and you should improve, and then you can come. Because we want to build our country and make it a peaceful place and live there in freedom and peace and we will need you”.





Afganistan / Kabul


And my mom said when we were about to leave: “I raised you to be brave, I raised you to be successful in your life and go and achieve your goals, and do whatever you like to do, and be yourself, and don’t forget us, don’t forget your ancestry. You are my girl and you will be the best in the future and make us proud one day”.

Of course, I want to go back to my country, my home, and my room where I can sleep very comfortably and relaxed and I want to study so hard. That’s one of the things my mother really wants for us: to get a good education and to be a kind person.

I was studying Russian literature in Kabul, but it was only one semester.

Of course, because of the Taliban we girls cannot go to universities, cannot study. Girls can’t go to school and women can’t go to work or have a proper job. And that’s the real problem for the girls and women. And that’s why we left our country, me and my elder sister Sara, and our friend Shahida.

We are also athletes,climbers and mountaineers. Taliban don’t allow  girls to do sports either. We weren’t able to be ourselves in any way, and I’m not sure we were able to stay safe at all. Taliban were beating girls for riding a bicycle. Taliban were killing people, too.


Dreaming on the way

Pakistan / Hazara


The new generation in Afghanistan is very motivated and educated so they will come back and fight, we will all go back and fight and take back our country.

I used to work in a private high school. I used to teach kids in kindergarten, and I used to teach arts, I know how to draw.

I was studying English literature and worked as an English teacher in Academic School. And I had so many dreams.

I was planning many trips to many places and visiting my own country’s mountains. I dreamed a lot that maybe I will go to Koh-e Baba.

The first thing I’m thinking here is how to know the society, how to engage ourselves with the society. And then my education is my priority and that’s what I have tried so hard back in Afghanistan.




Living in Pakistan

Pakistan / Hazara


When I went to Pakistan, we didn’t have any family house where we could stay and we spent three weeks, almost three weeks in a mosque and people were very helpful to us.

This photo of Shahida is taken in Kabul when it was a safe place to live and to create.




Shahida’s life


And then, after like one month or three weeks, we were able to take the house for ourselves. A room exactly.

When we left Afghanistan, we didn’t have any clearer thing that will happened for us, and the road was super unsafe. And at the border…I have very bad memories about it.

I wear a burka. There were many people who wanted to leave and Taliban had something for beating people without any reason.

And the Pakistan Police officer,s if they knew that you’re Hazara they didn’t let you pass the border. And the most heartful for me was the Taliban flag on the Afghanistan side. And that was a painful thing, a painful memory for me. And there was so much stress. I was so stressed.

First my brother and I passed the border, and my mother and one of my brothers didn’t pass the border. And I was very stressed about what will happen if they can’t pass the border.

When we wanted to pass the border there was a Taliban that had a pipe and beat people without any reason. I thought that they won’t beat women by themselves.

And I took my brother’s hand and wanted to keep him from the Taliban. And I was really stressed that they would beat me or my brother.

My family didn’t get out of Pakistan. They are still hiding from Taliban. I hope they will be safe.




With a dog
With a dog1

Moving on

Pakistan / Islamabad

And I spent a few months in Islamabad to check my visa for Poland.


Sea site

Flying to Qatar

Qatar / Qatar

Shahida, Sara and Asma got to Qatar on their way to Poland.

This photo was taken in Qatar airport. Actually, the teddy bear Asma is keeping was a present of her best friend from Kabul and among all the necessary things, she took the bear all the way to Cracow.

Teddy bear from the best friend od Asma

Plane to Helsinki


But from Qatar Shahida had to get on the transit plane to Helsinki. She bought another ticket for Sara’s and Asma’s flight to Poland, with one more step.

This photo of Shahida is taken in Kabul, when it was a safe place to live.


Stopped in Helsinki

Finlandia / Helsinki


The road was a little bit hard because I was alone and there was a mistake that first day, they got me a Schengen visa and then they closed it and gave me only a Polish visa.

And some police officer in Helsinki thought that it’s something wrong and they didn’t let meleave the airport.


In airplane

Sara and Asma got to Warsaw



It was a new country, and I was afraid in a way like every person can be in a new environment. But also, I didn’t have any feelings.


After the plane, we got on a train going to Cracow where we had a friend.



Festival in Cracow



When we got to Cracow, we were so exhausted, but we just put our bags and went to the Mountaineering festival on the Grunvald’s Rondo the same day.


There also was Marina, the head of our Mountaineering team, and Łukasz, the mountain climber with us and we visited st. Mary Church (Mariacki kościoł) on the Main Square (Rynek Główny),the one with two towers and the legend about brothers. We also visited the underground museum there and saw the knife from that legend.


St. Mary's Church with Łukasz and Marina

Poland was not for everyone

Poland / Cracow

Asma and Sara got to Warsaw and waited for Shahida at the airport for a while. Then it appeared that Shahida was stuck and needed to go to Dubai. They were very worried about Shahida and didn’t know what will happen next.


Emirats / Dubai


I had to go back to Dubai and then directly to Poland.

It was like three days route in the end.

I felt so tired and afraid.


In airplane


Poland / Warsaw

Finally, it was possible for Shahida to fly to Warsaw and then get to Cracow and meet her friends.

Travel to Warsaw

In Cracow

Poland / Cracow

Shahida was willing to study music, but she had not practiced for a very long time, since everything with the Taliban started.

For now, she has no time or extra money to get private piano lessons, but she is playing sometimes at her friend’s place.

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Finally, the girls met in Cracow. Now they are living together and even travel to other places, like Bielsko-Biała where they were taking the left photo with their friend Karolina.


I’m living in a flat whit two of my friends.

It’s really good and we have a lake nearby. “Zakrzówek” is the name of it. And when we miss our home or something, if we want to breathe in nature, we go there and spend some time there. It reminds us of the nature in Kabul.

On the right photo you can see the girls meeting Bożydar, our great operator who made all the videos on Willa Decius and this project.




With Karolina in Bielsko-Biała
In Cracow with Bożydar
Shahida, Sara and Asma
We were running only marathones
Shahida’s life